zondag 10 november 2019

Patient H.M.

Because of severe epilepsy, the medial parts of the temporal lobe of patient H.M. Were surgically removed (Kolb and Whishaw, 2008, p.15-16). The surgery resulted in a recovery from epilepsy, however patient H.M. was afterwards incapable of forming new memories for more than seconds or minutes. He was not able to recall any memories since his surgery that was performed in 1953. Childhood and school memories of patient H.M. were found to be spared. H.M. was a very social person and could have good conversations, however he could not recall anything of these Conversations that just took place. When patient H.M. Is in the hospital setting he often did ask the nurses where he just is and how he did come in that place. Contrary to these kind of memory problems, his implicit memory is almost normal so implicit memory in H.M. is intact, in contrast to his explicit memory (Kolb and Whishaw, 2006, p. 494).

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