donderdag 21 november 2019

Affect and Recognition Memory, an ERP study

Affect and recognition memory interactions were investigated by use of the International Affective Picture System with either high or low arousal as well as positive and negative valence. The task presented these pictures and the participants had to give an indication whether the picture was seen previously. Event related potentials during task performance were recorded (Kaestner and Polich, 2011). The behavioral results revealed that recognition memory was affected by arousal as well as the valence content of the stimuli. Images that were pleasant were not recognized well, however, they were associated with shorter reaction times as compared to the unpleasant images. High-arousal, unpleasant stimuli showed the longest reaction times. Concerning the ERP components, the amplitudes were higher for high than low arousal stimuli. It was found that the late positive component, the P300 amplitude was the most enhanced concerning high-arousal images that were unpleasant. According to the authors, a quick focus on unpleasant images might be due to the stimulus characteristics that indicate a threat and therefore enhances memory (Kaestner and Polich, 2011).

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