donderdag 31 oktober 2019

Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease is a hypokinetic syndrome. Symptoms include tremor, rigidity, disturbace in posture and bradykenesia among others. parkinson's disease is not only a movement disorder. Several symptoms are also affected in the disease such as sleeping, cognition, digestive symptoms, depression and the like. For instance, dementia has been found to be six times larger in parkinson's disease patients then in the general population.

Parkinson's disease patients have besides their motor symptoms also deficits in cognitive functioning. Executive functions encompasses working memory, conceptualization, set activation, set-shifting, set maintenance and resistance to interference. Neuropsychological test available are for example: Digit Span, similarities, Verbal Fluency, Trail Making Test, as well as the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and Stroop Test (Kulisevsky and Pagonabarraga, 2015). Other aspects in the cognitive domain are memory, language, visuospatial abilities, decision making and impulsivity, which could be assessed for instance with the Ray Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), free and cued recall, Boston Naming Test, Benton Line Orientation Test, Block copying, Benton Face Recognition Test, Iowa Gambling Task as well as others.

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